Groups & Bible Studies
Bible 101
9:35 – 10:15 a.m. in Fellowship Hall most Sundays
Want a chance to grow deeper in faith, with a group of people who believe there are no silly questions & who are not Bible experts but want a deeper relationship with Jesus? Then join us between services for BIBLE 101 STUDY. This is a “No Experience Necessary” Bible Study. Just as the title implies – this is a place for people who have little or no Bible experience as well as those who have read some of the Bible before to come and think together about the scripture. We will all use the same Bible (the church has extra copies) which are available for your use. Here are the promises – you won’t be put on the spot to read publicly, you won’t be forced to answer questions and no question is silly. Come join us in the Fellowship Hall between services – coffee and treats will be available.
Ladies Group
1st Monday of the month at 2:00 p.m. For more information contact Karen Botine at
Quilting Group
Every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. in Luther Hall (Quilters Room)
Bible Journaling
Next Meeting: February 18
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in the Lynne Center at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Bible journaling is a creative devotional practice. It’s the practice of responding to a Bible verse or passage in a creative way in the pages of your Bible (or journal or a piece of paper) — with art, scrapbooking, prayers, doodling, notes, etc. We have a joint group with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. We provide shared art supplies and helpful hints to get you started. Contact Gracia Johnson at for more info. All ages welcome!
Upstairs Video Study
Next Meeting: February 19
Every Other Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. upstairs in Room 212.
Lend a Hand
Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month from 9 a.m. to Noon in Fellowship Hall.
Enjoy some coffee and fellowship before breaking out into small groups to help with projects that care for the building. No special skills are required. If you are interested or that time does not work for you, please contact our Facility Manager, John Brintnell, at We welcome helping hands!
Ladies Group
Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. for study and fellowship. For more information contact Margaret Laib at
Grief Support Group
Meets the 1st Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. in the Conference Room.
This group is for any adult who is struggling with grief. You could be grieving someone who passed away recently, or it could be grief that you have had for a long time. We believe that you never “get over” losing someone you love. This will be a discussion-based group and a confidential group. All are welcome. Please bring a momento that reminds youof your loved one to the first session to introduce yourself. This group is led by Pastor Martha and some Stephen Ministers.
Men’s Group
Meets the 3rd Saturday of the month @ 8 a.m.
All men are welcome to gather for a time of devotion and conversation. Breakfast will be served. Invite a friend.
Serving Hands
A service group for all ages that meets once a month. We gather to do small projects that will help our surrounding community and organizations that we partner with. For example, one month we might gather to bake cookies to take to Ministry on the Margins for their Coffee House. This is just one example. There are so many ways that we can serve our community. If you are interested in getting more information or being a part of this group, please contact Pastor Martha at All ages are encouraged to join us.
Lutherans in Leather Motorcycle Group – Meets during the summer
“Lutherans in Leather” is our Motorcycle group. They meet during the summer every other Monday in the church parking lot @ 6 p.m. for a short devotion, route planning and ride. Contact Rich at with any questions.