Worship & Music
8:30 AM Worship – in person, live stream on Facebook & YouTube, Radio Broadcast 1270AM
10:30 AM Worship – in person & live stream on Facebook & YouTube
6:00 PM – Worship – in person & live stream on Facebook & YouTube
5:15 PM – Meal (Not served over the summer except on listed dates)
During the summer our Sunday 10:30 worship & Wednesday 6:00 worship are outdoors in the Trinity Chapel weather permitting. You are invited to bring a blanket or chair for the outdoor worship services. We will also have chairs available to use.
- Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st & 3rd Sundays and following Wednesdays of each month during worship.
- Live Radio Broadcast 1270AM Sunday 8:30 am worship
- Live Stream on Facebook & YouTube – all services
- Once the live stream is done the full service stays on our Facebook & YouTube pages
- Trinity-to-Go with sermon and prayers posted Sundays.
We are happy to partner with Grace Lutheran in Driscoll.
Our nursery is available for parents to use during worship and church school and is located just inside the North entry.
- A parent or an adult must remain in the nursery with their child(ren).
- Please do not use the nursery with your child if they have had any of the following in the last 24 hours: fever of 101 or above, two or more diarrhea stools, vomiting, drainage of the eye or nose that is discolored, and watery eyes that are red and draining.
Children in the Pews
Adults sometimes wonder why people bring little children to church. Actually, bringing children into the sanctuary is something like letting them eat at the dinner table. Even though their manners are far from elegant, it is done in the hope that, given time, they’ll begin to feel part of the family.
Children giggle, they wiggle, and they swing their legs simply because they are children. But they also sing, pray, and worship with us. So, this page is written to suggest that we as adults should accept – even welcome, value, and smile at the children’s restlessness during worship, trusting that they are also learning.
That it’s important to come to this place each Sunday/Wednesday That they belong to this special company of people, That this is a safe place to be and that they are valued and loved, That the sights and sounds of the sanctuary are good, though not always understandable, That something is expected of them in this place and that they may respond in song, prayer and offering.
Bringing a child to church can be challenging. But then again, so are many other facets of parenting, and the rewards are well worth the effort. We must remember that children belong to the church too, and many of us learned to love the church by being there as children. Children belong to God and, while they may not participate in worship in the same ways adults do, they are growing in understanding and learning to take their places in the church family.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19:14

Music Ministry Opportunities
In spite of the pandemic, there are some terrific options for sharing your musical talents at Trinity. Here is a glimpse of the current options, and opportunities which will be available in the fall.
Join us Sundays at our 8 AM rehearsal to sing simple, worshipful anthems at 8:30 AM worship.
We are always searching for new vocalists and instrumentalists (drummers, guitar players, etc.) to add to the Sunday 10:30 AM mix of musicians! We rehearse on Sundays at 9:30 AM.
Our Wednesday service features worship songs from contemporary praise charts. We would love to add an additional drummer and some additional singers to our Wednesday band!
The festive sound of bells and brass is always a welcome addition to worship! If you can read music, bells are easy to learn to play. Brass players play seasonally for Christmas and Easter services. For more information about getting involved with handbells or brass ensemble, contact the church office.
We welcome people of all ages to share special music during our worship services. If you are interested in sharing please contact the church office.
Please contact the church office for more information on how to share your musical gifts.