Special Christmas Offering

It has been a tradition at Trinity that a special offering is taken during the Christmas Season. This year council has designated Hearth River Bridges of Hope as this year’s recipient. Bridges of Hope is a ministry of Heart River Lutheran Church, which worships on the campus the Youth Correctional Center in Mandan. This congregation has a history of sharing the Good News of Jesus with the youth who are housed at the correctional center. Recently women have also begun to be housed on the same grounds, so Heart River’s ministry has also expanded to these women. Their Bridges of Hope Ministry works to engage those who are incarcerated but also provides after care resources, as well as support for the families of those who are incarcerated.

If you would like to make a donation, you can write a check, drop it in the offer plate or mail it to Trinity and in the memo line write: Heart River Bridges.

Blessings and thanks for your generosity.