Stay Out of Jail Supper Club

This is a new ministry for people in our community who are in the re-entry process – they have been recently released from prison and working to become productive members of society. This ministry is being promoted through local re-entry specialists like Ministry on the Margins and others. Trinity is providing this event each week to help these people be successful, and, to do that, we will need volunteers. Volunteers need to be 18 years old or older.

Here are a few ways that you can help:

  1. Volunteer in the Kitchen: Each Thursday, we will be serving a meal @ 5 p.m. We will need people who will be willing to cook, clean up, and serve. This will begin on May 23rd.
  2. Volunteer as a greeter or small group leader: We will need people who will greet at the door as people come in, helping them to find the fellowship hall. Also, each week, we will be leading a time where the people who attend can share how things are going in their lives. We will need people to sit in the small groups and lead the discussion.
  3. Financial support: You can support this ministry through a financial gift to help with the cost of food. Just mark it on your envelope or online giving.

Thank you for support this important ministry. Contact Pastor Martha with any questions at